What is Spiritual Direction?
The primary role of spiritual companioning is to provide guidance and support for developing practices for ‘listening’ to a power/energy that is both in us and beyond us. In practicing 'listening' we learn to shed and let go of those things (beliefs, experiences, identities, roles) that are not reflective of our true self and live more and more out of our 'true self.' Spiritual direction is not unique to one faith or religious tradition. Every major religion as well as 'non major' ones in the world points to practices of stilling and emptying the mind in order to be able to ‘hear’ the power that is in/beyond us offering us guidance. To hear deeply, times of both outer and inner silence are called for. This inner guidance is happening all the time. What the spiritual journey asks of us is to develop practices for listening for this guidance. We cannot ‘make’ this power speak or move in us but we can make ourselves available/least resistant to this energy power moving in our lives.
In a spiritual companioning conversation, there is time for you to share about what is going on in your life. Companioning guidance will offer both a frame work for reflecting on your life journey as well as readings that may apply to your experience. The readings may come from sacred texts including but not limited to the sacred texts that reflect truth that is not bound to one religion/faith tradition but also from poetry, and past and present writers who write of the spiritual journey. Readings and reflections will also come from various writings and teachings about creation. The current time in history is experiencing—in some places-- a coming together of science and religion whereas in the past they ‘left each other alone.’ This coming together offers resources for the spiritual journey. In our conversation, we will also discuss ‘inner listening’ practices best suited for you.
Common resources for spiritual reflection and practice include:
Quiet time outdoors alone
Readings of sacred texts of various sorts 'lectio divina' style (slow)
Meditation/Prayer practice that focuses on ‘clearing/emptying’ in order to hear deeply
Listening to and ‘singing’ chants
Spiritual companioning sessions may be bi-weekly, monthly, a few times a year. It depends on what your current needs are. If you are interested in either individual or group spiritual direction, email me. We can make an individual session and/or I will add you to an email list for groups as they begin to form this coming year.
It is a gift and privilege to journey with you through this sacred experience called Life.
Virginia DuPre
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